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Fisk Farm Herbs

get your herb on

Welcome to Fisk Farm Herbs,

I am thrilled you are here! 


It is my innermost hope, that my

passion and love for growing,

processing, and using

medicinal herbs spread to you.


Come and visit us at one of

Our scheduled Events and get

Inspired about HERBS with me!     


                                                ~ Stacy Fisk

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The Herbary is the focus of our farm.  We have over 75 varieties of wellness and culinary herbs that we grow in a compact space.  Therefore, we cater to the budding home herbalist, or as referred to in some circles, the kitchen witch.  We grow seedlings and harvest rhizomes and roots for planting in your home garden.  We also cut and sell fresh herbs when they are at their prime.  Finally, we dry herbs, which are packaged in small 1 or 4 ounce bags for individual use.  Bulk herbs are available upon request.


Market Garden

We are collaborating with Two Ravens Farm and Mewaldt Organics to offer our community the Triple Goddess basket, full of vegetables, herbs, fruit, and local products from female artisans and farmers in our community.  These are hyper-local very special baskets and the quantity available is limited so send me an email if your are interested and sign-up early to receive one in 2024.  



Our twelve hives reside in a honey bee paradise, nestled between the river's edge, the orchard, and herbary.  The bees have a healthy and bountiful water source, diverse nectar and pollen to help sustain them throughout their life cycle.  Our honey sells fast so get it early.   It is available at events in 1 lbs and 2 lbs jars.  Honey extraction is usually at the end of July.  Raw and processed beeswax, and propolis, is also available while supplies last.

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apothecary at the Farmers Markets

Herbs, honey, and fruit blend together splendidly as tea, which is the all-time favorite way to consume your wellness herbs. Last year we turned it up a notch and started making HONEY SHRUBS, infusing fruit and herbs with raw apple cider vinegar and sweetening it up with lots of local honey.  OMG it is delicious, all natural and good for you.  Be sure to look for it at the events this year.    

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fisk farm herbs
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3700 Alcorn Road

Fallon, NV  89406

Tel:         775-741-4043


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